The following will be the complete WSDL 2.0 document in our example:
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?> <description xmlns = "" targetNamespace = "" xmlns:tns = "" xmlns:stns = "" xmlns:wsoap = "" xmlns:soap = "" xmlns:wsdlx = ""> <documentation> This document describes my Service. You can find additional information in the following web page: </documentation> <types> <xs:schema xmlns:xs = "" targetNamespace = "" xmlns = "" > <xs:element name = "checkServiceStatus" type="tCheckServiceStatus" /> <xs:complexType name = "tCheckServiceStatus" > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name = "checkDate" type = "xs:date" /> <xs:element name = "serviceName" type = "xs:string" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <xs:element name = " checkServiceStatusResponse" type = "xs:double" /> <xs:element name = "dataError" type = "xs:string" /> </xs:schema> </types> <interface name = "myServiceInterface"> <fault name = "dataFault" element = "stns:dataError" /> <operation name = "checkServiceStatusOp" pattern = "" style= "" wsdlx:safe = "true"> <input messageLabel = "In" element = "stns:checkServiceStatus" /> <output messageLabel = "Out" element = "stns:checkServiceStatusResponse"/> <outfault messageLabel = "Out" ref = "tns:dataFault" /> </operation> </interface> <binding name = "myServiceInterfaceSOAPBinding" interface = "tns:myServiceInterface" type = "" wsoap:protocol = ""> <operation ref = "tns:checkServiceStatusOp" wsoap:mep = ""/> <fault ref = "tns:dataFault" wsoap:code = "soap:Sender"/> </binding> <service name = "myService" interface = "tns:myServiceInterface"> <endpoint name = "myServiceEndpoint" binding = "tns:myServiceInterfaceSOAPBinding" address = ""/> </service> </description>