Chapter 1: Overview of C#
- C# introduction
- Features of C#
- .Net Framework Architecture
- Features of .NET Framework
Chapter 2: Getting started with C#
- C# Console application
- User interface elements of Visual Studio .NET
- Compiling and executing the project
Chapter 3: Introduction to C#
- Structure of C# program
- Namespace and Class
- Main method in C# program
- Command line input
- Console Input / Output
Chapter 4: Operators, Variables and Types
- Variable in C#
- C# Built – in types
- C# Operators
- Arrays in C#
Chapter 5: Control Statements
- If Statements
- switch statement
- break and continue statements
- The while loop
- The do while loop
- The for loop
Chapter 6: Methods
- Method Structure
- Static and instance methods
- Using methods with Parameters
- this reference
Chapter 7: Arrays
- Introduction to Arrays
- Accessing array elements
- C# Arrays in detail
- Array class
Chapter 8: Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Introduction to Abstraction
- Introduction to Encapsulation
- Implementing Encapsulation using Access specifiers
Chapter 9: Namespace
- Introduction to Namespace
- Implement namespace the using directive
- Use the alias directive
- Members of the namespace
Chapter 10: Introduction to Classes
- Classes in C#
- Types of Constructors
- Constructors with Parameters
- Declaration of Destructors
- Life cycle of an object
Chapter 11: Class Inheritance
- Identifying Relationship between Classes
- Implementing Inheritance
- Abstract methods
- Virtual Functions
- Sealed classes
Chapter 12: Polymorphism
- Introduction to Polymorphism
- Static Polymorphism
- Dynamic Polymorphism
- Constructor overloading
Chapter 13: Properties
- Introduction to Properties
- Implementation of Properties
- Create Read – Only Property
- Create Write – Only Property
- Auto Incremented Properties
Chapter 14: Indexers
- Indexers in C#
- Implementation of Indexers
- Overloading Indexers
- Implementation of Multi – Parameter Indexers
Chapter 15: Structs
- Purpose of Structs
- Implement the Struct
- Use a Struct
Chapter 16: Strings
- Creating string in C#
- Properties of string class
- Methods of string class
- Example of string in C#
Chapter 17: Interface
- Purpose of Interfaces
- Define an Interface
- Use an interface
- Implement the Interface Inheritance
Chapter 18: Delegates and Events
- Introduction to Delegate
- Instantiating and using Delegate
- Types of Delegates
- Using Delegates with Events
- Passing event Parameters
Chapter 19: File Input and Output
- Implementing the File Input and Output operations
- Implementing Reading and Writing in the Text Files
- Implementing Reading and Writing in Binary Files
- Implementing the Windows File System
Chapter 20: Exception Handling
- Introduction to Exception
- Implement the try/catch block
- Using Finally block
Chapter 21: Attributes and Reflection
- Introducing Attributes
- Attributes Parameters
- Predefined Attributes
- Creating Custom attributes
- Applying Custom Attribute in an application
- Introducing Reflection
- Viewing Metadata
Chapter 22: Enums
- Introduction to Enums
- Creation of Enum
- Example using Enums
Chapter 23: Operator Overloading
- Introducing Operator Overloading
- Overloading Unary Operators
- Overloading Binary Operators
Chapter 24: Creating Multithreaded Applications
- Working with Threads
- Thread Life Cycle
- Advantages and Limitations of MultiThreading
- Creating Multiple threads
- Thread Priority
- Synchronizing Threads
Chapter 25: Introduction to Generic Collection
- Benefits of using Generic Collection
- Create and use a generic list
- Implementation of Generic dictionary
Chapter 26: Anonymous Methods
- Anonymous Methods in C#
- Implementation of Anonymous Methods
- Implementation Anonymous Methods using delegate parameters
Chapter 27: Working with Nullable Types
- Benefits of nullable types in C#
- Declaration of nullable types
- Use of nullable types
Chapter 28: C# Type Safety
- Type Safety
- Conversion of one type to another
- Reference Types in C#
- Value Type in C#
Chapter 29: Preprocessor Directives
- Preprocessor directives in C#
- List of the directives
- Conditional Directives